Here is some silly stuff I saw around town today: (These are camera phone pictures, so they are not the greatest quality)
The bumper sticker reads "Kids Need (Heart/Love) and Child Support". The and child support part just made me laugh, I mean what a strange thing to put on your car. why not just get a bumper sticker that says "My Baby Daddy don't pay me". Very strange.
This one is a van I saw in front of a local gas station. It's promoting some indie rap label but the pictures on the van were hilarious. I'm afraid they may have lost a bit in (camera phone) translation though. lol
Last but not least, a Mormon kid on a bike. There must be a ton of these churches in my town or something because I see these kids in a shirt and tie on bikes like every weekend. They often stop me and give me a book of Mormon. This time I was in the car so no book of Mormon for me. lol
I don't know why these guys always make me laugh, I think it's the bike helmet + tie combo, something about it is so odd. It's like they are dressed up for something important, but then they are riding a bike with a goofy helmet's just so random.
I do want to say that I have no hate on the Mormons (or LDS if you prefer) I just think they look funny on their bikes. :)
That's all for today, but I'm sure I'll see more strange things around town, in fact it's pretty much a sure thing. lol
Funny stuff. I use to look for this stuff in our town too. It's a great hobby and a good way to release those depressive feelings for a laugh.
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